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Title and Format Type Issue Date
Analytical Procedures and Methods Validation. Optional format: PDF.
Federal Register Notice [TXT] [PDF]
BACPAC I: Intermediates in Drug Substance Synthesis; Bulk Actives Postapproval Changes: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Documentation 2/2001 Final Withdrawn as per FR notice June 1, 2006
Botanical Drug Products [HTML] or [PDF] Final 6/2004
Changes to an Approved Application for Specified Biotechnology and Specified Synthetic Biological Products  [PDF] Final 7/1997
Changes to an Approved NDA or ANDA [HTML] or [PDF] Final 4/2004
Changes to an Approved NDA or ANDA: Questions and Answers [HTML] or [PDF] Final 1/2001
Changes to an Approved NDA or ANDA; Specifications – Use of Enforcement Discretion for Compendial Changes [HTML] or [PDF] Final 11/19/2004
Comparability Protocols -- Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information [PDF]
Federal Register Notice [TXT] [PDF]
Container Closure Systems for Packaging Human Drugs and Biologics [HTML] or [PDF]
  • Container Closure Systems for Packaging Human Drugs and Biologics -- Questions and Answers [PDF]
Final 5/1999
Demonstration of Comparability of Human Biological Products, Including Therapeutic Biotechnology-derived Products Final 4/1996
Development of New Stereoisomeric Drugs Final 5/1/1992
Drug Master Files
      Current DMF Information (e.g. lists, addresses, guidances, etc.)
Final 9/1/1989
Drug Master Files for Bulk Antibiotic Drug Substances [HTML] or [PDF] Final 11/1999
Drug Product: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information   1/2003 Draft
Withdrawn as per FR notice June 1, 2006
Drug Substance: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information 1/2004 Draft
Withdrawn as per FR notice June 1, 2006
Drugs, Biologics, and Medical Devices Derived from Bioengineered Plants for Use in Humans and Animals  [PDF] Draft
Environmental Assessment of Human Drug and Biologics Applications [PDF] Final 7/1998
Format and Content of the Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls Section of an Application* 2/1987 Final Withdrawn as per FR notice June 1, 2006
Format and Content for the CMC Section of an Annual Report   [PDF] Final 9/1/1994
INDs for Phase 2 and Phase 3 Studies Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information [HTML] or [PDF] Final 5/20/2003
IND Meetings for Human Drugs and Biologics Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information [HTML] or [PDF] Final 5/2001
Interpreting Sameness of Monoclonal Antibody Products Under the Orphan Drug Regulations [HTML] or [PDF]
Federal Register Notice [TXT] [PDF]   
Liposome Drug Products: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls; Human Pharmacokinetics and Bioavailability; and Labeling Documentation. [PDF]
Federal Register Notice [TXT] [PDF]
Monoclonal Antibodies Used as Reagents in Drug Manufacturing [HTML] or [PDF] Final 3/2001
Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) and Dry Powder Inhaler (DPI) Drug Products [HTML] or [PDF] Draft
Nasal Spray and Inhalation Solution, Suspension, and Drug Products [HTML] or [PDF] Final 7/2002
NDAs: Impurities in Drug Substances [HTML] or [PDF] Final 2/2000
PAC-ATLS: Postapproval Changes - Analytical Testing Laboratory Sites  [PDF] Final 4/28/1998
Reviewer Guidance, Validation of Chromatographic Methods  [PDF] Final 11/1994
The Sourcing and Processing of Gelatin to Reduce the Potential Risk Posed by Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Final 12/20/2000
Stability Testing of Drug Substances and Drug Products   6/5/1998 Draft
Withdrawn as per FR notice June 1, 2006
Submission Documentation for Sterilization Process Validation in Applications for Human and Veterinary Drug Products [PDF] Final 11/1994
Submission of Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls Information for Synthetic Peptide Substances 11/1994 Final Withdrawn as per FR notice June 1, 2006
Submitting Documentation for the Manufacturing of and Controls for Drug Products* [HTML] or [PDF] Final 2/1987
Submitting Documentation for the Stability of Human Drugs and Biologics*  (Issued , Posted 3/2/1998) Final Withdrawn as per FR notice June 1, 2006
Submitting Samples and Analytical Data for Methods Validation Final 2/1987
Submitting Supporting Documentation in Drug Applications for the Manufacture of Drug Substances  [PDF] Final 2/1987
SUPAC-IR: Immediate-Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms: Scale-Up and Post-Approval Changes: Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls, In Vitro Dissolution Testing, and In Vivo Bioequivalence Documentation [PDF] Final 11/1995
SUPAC-IR Questions and Answers about SUPAC-IR Guidance Final 2/18/1997
SUPAC-IR/MR: Immediate Release and Modified Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms Manufacturing Equipment Addendum  [PDF] Final  1/1999
SUPAC-MR: Modified Release Solid Oral Dosage Forms Scale-Up and Postapproval Changes: Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls; In Vitro Dissolution Testing and In Vivo Bioequivalence Documentation  [PDF] Final Issued 10/6/1997
SUPAC-SS: Nonsterile Semisolid Dosage Forms Manufacturing Equipment Addendum  [PDF] Draft
SUPAC-SS: Nonsterile Semisolid Dosage Forms; Scale-Up and Post-Approval Changes: Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls; In Vitro Release Testing and In Vivo Bioequivalence Documentation  [PDF] Final 5/1997

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FDA Releases Final Guidance on Handling OOS Test Results

On October 12, 2006, the FDA announced the release of the final Guidance for Industry: Investigating Out-of-Specification (OOS) Test Results for Pharmaceutical Production (1). A draft with the same title was published in 1998 and although it was only a draft it was one of the most important FDA guidance documents. This article describes differences to the eight years old draft guidances, key requirements, strategies for implementation and how Agilent can help to avoid OOS test results.

Difference Between Old and New Guidance

The basic principles are the same but there are also some differences in three areas:

  • Scope: Whereas the previous guidance was mainly focusing on testing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and finished drugs, the final guidance makes it clear that it also applies to raw materials, in-process materials and stability studies.
  • Involvement of QCU: The new guidance puts more responsibility on the quality control unit for full investigation including production review.
  • Examples: The final guidance has more and very specific examples for situations where retesting is required and for appropriate and inappropriate uses of averaging. It also has an example for a situation when the root cause for an initial OOS could not be found the batch could be released.

Key Requirements

The key points of the Guidance are

  • For each test, there should be clear specifications and acceptance criteria
  • If for a specific test acceptance criteria are not met, further tests should be stopped until the failure has been investigated and resolved.
  • The investigation occurs in two phases: Initial laboratory investigation (phase one) and full investigation (phase II).
  • Phase two is managed by the QCU and may involve production, engineering and additional laboratory tests.
  • In case of a full investigation, QCU evaluates the results and decides to either reject or release the batch.
  • The investigations should follow a written procedure that defines responsibilities and steps for handling OOS test results.
  • Part of the investigation is to find the root cause for a failure. Once the root cause is known, a preventive action plan should be developed to prevent occurrence of the same or similar problem.

Recommendations for Implementation

  • Develop an SOP for OOS situations. The SOP should clearly describe responsibilities - who does what when an OOS situation occurs.
  • Define acceptance criteria for each test.
  • When acceptance criteria are not met, initiate failure investigation following the SOP for OOS situations.
  • Identify the root cause of each failure.
  • Develop a corrective and preventive action for each OOS situation.
  • Verify effectiveness of preventive actions.
  • Include OOS procedures in internal audit program. On a few examples, check if the procedures were followed.

Agilent's Offering

By far the best approach to deal with OOS is to avoid them, to the highest extent possible. Reliable and well-calibrated, qualified and maintained instrument hardware together with validated computer systems help to reduce the number of OOS situations. Agilent Technologies offers a large variety of equipment hardware and software for pharmaceutical QC analysis. Examples are industry leading HPLCs and GCs. The products are well known for their high performance, outstanding reliability and convenient maintenance. This together with Agilent's qualification services for hardware and computer systems, the extensive training offering and complemented by preventive maintenance services will significantly reduce the number of OOS test results caused by equipment.
And should an OOS situation occur, Agilent has more sophisticated instruments to investigate and diagnose the failure, for example, GC/MS, LC/MS or ICP-MS. For more information on Agilents Solutions for QA/QC see reference 2. For a free Compendium CD with a video and 150 applications see reference 3.


  1. United States Food and Drug Administration, Guidance for Industry: Investigating Out-of-Specification (OOS) Test Results for Pharmaceutical Production, 2006, available on the FDA website.
  2. Agilent Drug Manufacturing/QAQC website
  3. Pharmaceutical Applications Compendium CD for routine pharmaceutical development and QA/QC