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Terminology and Definitions Assay Validation System Suitability   Method Validation Protocol Method Transfer and Revalidation Summary and Conclusions  
System Suitability

According to the USP, system suitability tests are an integral part of chromatographic methods. These tests are used to verify that the resolution and reproducibility of the system are adequate for the analysis to be performed. System suitability tests are based on the concept that the equipment, electronics, analytical operations, and samples constitute an integral system that can be evaluated as a whole.

System suitability is the checking of a system to ensure system performance before or during the analysis of unknowns. Parameters such as plate count, tailing factors, resolution and reproducibility (%RSD retention time and area for six repetitions) are determined and compared against the specifications set for the method. These parameters are measured during the analysis of a system suitability "sample" that is a mixture of main components and expected by-products. Table 3 lists the terms to be measured and their recommended limits obtained from the analysis of the system suitability sample (2).

Table 3 - System Suitability Parameters and Recommendations



Capacity Factor (k’) The peak should be well-resolved from other peaks and the void volume, generally k’>2.0
Repeatability RSD </= 1% for N >/= 5 is desirable.
Relative retention Not essential as long as the resolution is stated.
Resolution (Rs) Rs of > 2 between the peak of interest and the closest eluting potential interferent (impurity, excipient, degradation product, internal standard, etc.
Tailing Factor (T) T of </= 2
Theoretical Plates (N) In general should be > 2000

Documentation of system suitability can be accomplished by using software specifically designed for the task to provide a review of the separation and to summarize the data regarding reproducibility. The software can also be used to troubleshoot the method. Results stored in a relational database can be compared and summarized on a peak-by-peak or system-by-system basis to provide the feedback necessary to determine system performance