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High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ) Primer

HPLC Basics


HPLC System Diagram


The components of a basic High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) system are shown in the simple diagram below.

There is a RESEVOIR to hold the Solvent, (called the “Mobile Phase”, because it moves). A high pressure PUMP (“Solvent Delivery System” or “Solvent Manager”) is used to generate and control the flow at a specified “Flow Rate”, typically in milliliters per minute. An “Injector” (“Sample Manager” or “Auto Sampler”) is able to introduce (“inject”) the SAMPLE into the flowing mobile phase stream, which carries the sample into the HPLC COLUMN. The column contains the chromatographic packing material needed to create the separation. (This packing material is called the STATIONARY PHASE, because it is held in place by the column hardware). A “Detector” is needed to “see” the separated “compound bands” as they elute from the HPLC column (most compounds have no color). The mobile phase exits the DETECTOR and can be disposed to waste, or collected if desired. When the mobile phase contains a purified compound ‘band”, HPLC provides the ability to collect this FRACTION of Eluate (containing this purified compound) for further study. This is called “Preparative Chromatography” which we will discuss later in the HPLC Scale Section.

[Note: High pressure tubing and fittings are used to connect the Pump, Injector, Column, and Detector components together to carry the Mobile Phase, Sample, and Separated Compound Bands.]

The DETECTOR is connected electrically to the COMPUTER DATA STATION that records the electrical information needed to generate the “Chromatogram” that we use to identify and quantitate the concentration of the compounds. This instrument component senses or "detects" the separated compounds eluting from the column, and provides the electronic signal to the Computer Data Station or Recorder to create the chromatogram. Because sample compounds have differing charateristics, several different types of detectors are available. For example, if the compounds can absorb ultaviolet light, then a UV Absorbance Detector is used. If the compounds can fluoresce, then a Fluorescence Detector is used. If the compounds do not have either of these characteristics, then a more universal type of detector is used, such as Evapoarative Light Scattering Detector (ELSD). The most powerful approach is the use of multiple detectors in series. Typically, a UV and ELSD detector are used in combination with a Mass Spectrometer (MS) to analyze the results of the chromatographic separation. This provides more complete compound information from a single injection. When a mass Spectrometer is used with an LC, this is called LC/MS.

A picture of a typical HPLC System.

Let’s now look at an HPLC System in action by watching the following animation.

(Note: this Flash animation will open and run in a new browser window. Click the Start Button to make and "injection" of a sample.

HPLC Operation

A simple way to understand how we achieve the separation of compounds (contained in a sample), is detailed in the following diagram.

First, let’s look inside a column. In the top cut away of a packed HPLC column, we see the mobile phase entering the column on the left being represented by the Green Arrow. It passes through the column and exits on the right. At Time Zero, (the moment an injection is made) the Sample Band enters the column. This “sample” is a mixture of yellow, red and blue dyes, which appears black in color. (In real life, it could be anything that can be dissolved into a solvent, and typically the compounds would be colorless, so we need the Detector to “see” the separated compounds). As time passes, with a continuous flow of mobile phase past the packing material particles, the individual dyes move at different speeds. This is because there is a competition between the Mobile Phase and the Stationary Phase for attracting the different compounds, also called analytes (for our diagram, we are using dyes). Notice that the yellow dye band moves the fastest and is almost out of the column. The yellow dye “likes” (is attracted to) the mobile phase more than the other dyes, which prefer the stationary phase particles. Therefore, it moves at a faster speed, closer to that of the mobile phase. The blue dye band “likes” the packing material the best, much more than the mobile phase. Therefore, it slows down significantly because it is attracted to the stationary particles. It is the most “retained” compound. The red dye band has an intermediate attraction for the mobile phase and therefore it moves at an intermediate speed through the column. Since each dye band moves at different speeds, we are able to separate them chromatographically.

What is a Chromatogram?

A chromatogram is a representation of the separation that has chemically (chromatographically) occurred in the HPLC system. A series of “peaks” is drawn on a time axis. Each peak represents a different compound. The chromatogram is created by the Detector and Computer Data Station.

What is a Detector?

The separated dye bands leave the column and pass into the Detector. The Detector contains a “ Flow Cell ” that “sees” (detects) each separated compound band as it passes through. (In real life, most compounds in a liquid are clear and colorless.) The Detector has the ability to sense and signal the presence of a compound for the Computer Data Station. There are many different types of detectors that can be utilized, depending on the characteristics of the separated compounds.

As shown in the diagram, the yellow band has completely passed through the flow cell, which generates an electrical signal that is sent to the Computer Data Station. The resulting “chromatogram” is starting to be shown on the screen. Note that at Time Zero, the chromatogram begins when the sample was first “injected” and is represented as a straight line at the bottom of the screen. This is called the “Baseline”, and represents pure mobile phase passing through the flow cell over time. As the yellow band passed through the flow cell, a signal was sent to the Computer Data Station. This causes the trace to leave the baseline, going up and coming back down to create the “peak”, because the mobile phase now has a concentration of yellow in it. After the yellow band completely passed through the flow cell, the signal goes back down to the baseline, since the flow cell now has, again, only pure mobile phase in it. The overall shape of the yellow band is represented as a “Peak” on the chromatogram. Since the yellow band was the fastest, eluting first from the column, it is the first “peak” drawn. After some additional time, the red band reaches the flow cell. The signal rises up from the baseline as the red band first enters the cell, and the peak for the red band begins to be drawn. In this diagram, the red band has not fully passed through the flow cell. The diagram shows what the red band and red peak would look like, if we could “Stop Action” at this moment. Since most of the red band has passed through the cell, most of the peak has been drawn, as shown with the “solid line” trace. If we could go back to real time and “Restart”, the red band would completely pass through the flow cell and the red peak would be completed (dotted line). The blue band, which was the most retained because it was traveling the slowest, would have followed. The “dotted line” trace shows you how the completed chromatogram would have appeared if we had let time continue.

Identifying and Quantifying Compounds

The three separated dye compounds are represented by three peaks separated in time in the chromatogram. Using comparison reference standards of compounds, a chromatographer would be able to identify each compound from it’s’ location in the chromatogram, based on the “Retention Time” (tR). In this new example below, the compound Acrylamide elutes at 2.85 minutes.

The next piece of information we need to know is “how much” of each compound was present in the sample. The Chromatogram and the related data from the Detector help us calculate the concentration of each compound. The detector basically responds to the concentration of the compound band as it passes through the flow cell. The more concentrated it is, the stronger the signal; this is seen as a greater height response from the baseline.

You are looking at 2 different chromatograms on the same page. The upper chromatogram is from “Sample B”, and the lower from “Sample A”. We injected the same volume of sample in each case, but “Sample B ” has a much smaller peak. Since the “Retention Time”, (tR) at the apex of both peaks is 2.85 minutes, this indicates that they are both the same compound, (in this example, acrylamide (ID)). The “Area” under the peak (“ Peak Area Count ”) indicates the concentration of the compound. This area value is calculated by the Computer Data Station. Notice the area under the “Sample A” peak is much larger. In this example, “Sample A” has 10 times the area of “Sample B”. Therefore, “Sample A” has 10 times the concentration, (10 picograms) as much acrylamide as “Sample B”, (1 picogram). Note, there is another peak, (not identified), that comes out at 1.8 min. in both samples. Since the area counts for both “samples” are about the same, it has the same concentration in both samples.

Isocratic and Gradient Operation

There are 2 basic types of chromatographic mobile phase operating modes which can be used in HPLC. The first type is called “Isocratic”. In this mode, the mobile phase composition remains the SAME throughout the run.

The second type is called “Gradient” chromatography. This type is used for very complex samples with many compounds. In this mode, the mobile phase composition is CHANGED during the separation. As the separation proceeds, the elution strength of the mobile phase is strengthened. One technique is to use a system where there are two bottles of solvents and two pumps. The speed of each pump is controlled (Gradient Controller) over time to deliver more or less of each solvent. The two streams are mixed (Mixer) to create the mobile phase gradient over time. At the beginning, the mobile phase is made up of mostly the weaker solvent. As the time progresses, the proportion of the stronger solvent goes up. Another system design uses a single pump and multiple solvent bottles. The flow from each bottle is controlled by a gradient proportioning valve which creates the desired solvent strength.

HPLC Scale (Analytical, Preparative, and Process)

As mentioned earlier, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) provides analytical data as to what compounds were present in a sample, and their concentration. However, it can also supply a purified quantity of each compound that is collected in a “ Fraction ” of the flow output from the Detector. The instrument component that performs this function is called a “Fraction Collector”. This process is called “Preparative Chromatography”.

The scientist may need to obtain a certain target amount of purified compound. Depending on how much is required, a much bigger sample size may need to be processed. In general, as the sample size goes up, the size of the HPLC Column will become larger, and the pump will need the capacity to flow at faster flow rates. This need to determine the size of an HPLC system is called selecting the “HPLC Scale”. The following table identifies the various “scales” depending on the chromatographic objective.

Table of Chromatographic Scale


Scale Chromatographic Objectives
Analytical Just Data (compound ID and concentration)
Semi-prep Data and a small amount of purified compound (< 0.5 gram)
Prep Larger amounts of purified compound (> 0.5 gram)
Process (Industrial) Manufacturing quantities (gram to kilograms)

There are two considerations regarding the column when determining the scale of chromatography. The first is the Column Volume. The column volume is measured by the length ( L), and internal diameter (i.d.) of the column. This sets the “Column Volume” that determines the amount of packing material (particles) that can be enclosed. The Column Volume determines the “ Capacity ” that the column will have when larger sample sizes are processed.

In general, columns will range from 20mm to 500mm in length, and 1mm to 50mm in internal diameter (i.d.).

The next consideration is the “Particle Size” (dp) of the packing material contained in the column. As the scale of chromatography goes up, column dimensions will get larger, especially with larger column i.d.’s. To obtain sufficient mobile phase flow rates through the column, the particle size must be large enough to reduce the back pressure that the column will develop. If the back pressure becomes too great, the pump will not be able to sustain the flow rate required. The simplified table, shown below, provides guidance on selecting the column i.d. and particle size recommended for each scale of chromatography.

Note as an example for the red X, a “semi-prep scale” would use a column of 10-40mm i.d. with 5-15 micron particles.

A powerful, software based Prep Calculator CD is available to help you properly scale the size of your column, and set operating parameters as you scale up the separation.