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High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ) Primer

Brief History and Definition

The origins of Liquid Chromatography began in the early 1900’s with the work of the Russian botanist, Mikhail S. Tswett. His famous studies focused on separating compounds (leaf pigments), which were extracted from plants using a solvent.

He filled an open glass column with particles. Two specific materials that he found useful were powdered chalk (calcium carbonate) and alumina. He poured his sample (solvent extract of homogenized plant leaves) into the column. This was followed by pure solvent. As the “sample” passed down through the column by gravity, different colored “bands” could be seen separated, because some moved faster than others.
He related these separated, different colored “bands” to the different “compounds” which were originally contained in the sample. He had created an analytical separation of these compounds based on a chemical attraction of some compounds to the particles (Stationary Phase). The compounds that were attracted to the particles slowed down, while other compounds that were attracted to the solvent (Mobile Phase) moved faster. This process can be described as follows: sample compounds “distribute” or “partition” differently between the moving “mobile phase” and the “stationary phase”, creating a separation of the compounds.

Tswett named his process “chromatography” [from the Greek words “chroma”, meaning “color”, and “graphy”, meaning “writing” (literally “color writing”) to describe his “colorful” experiment. Today, Liquid Chromatography, in its various forms, has become one of the most powerful tools in Analytical Chemistry.

Types of Liquid Chromatography (LC)

Liquid chromatography can be performed in three primary approaches. In all cases, the “sample” must be dissolved into a liquid that is then transported by the solvent onto or into, the chromatographic device.

Approach 1) The sample is “spotted” onto, and then flowed through a thin layer of chromatographic particles fixed onto the surface of glass plates. The sample appears black, but is actually made up of yellow, red, and blue dyes. The bottom edge of the plate is placed in a solvent. The flow is created by solvent diffusing through the dry particle layer (by capillary action) moving up the glass plate. This is called “Thin Layer Chromatography ("TLC”).

Approach 2) The sample is “spotted” onto paper to which solvent is added to create flow. This is called “Paper Chromatography”.

Notice the difference in separation power for this particular paper. The samples were mixtures of dyes, some of which were separated and some of which were not separated. In the main pattern, the "black" sample containing yellow, red and blue dyes was applied to the paper. We see a green ring and red ring. The paper could not separate the yellow and blue, which appear as green, but it could separate those dyes from the red dye. The bottom example is a sample of yellow and blue only. Notice that the paper does not separate those two dyes. The middle example is a sample of red and blue dyes. They are well separated. The chromatographer has many different statioary phases to chose from in order to obtain the desired separation.

Approach 3) In the most powerful approach, the sample passes through a column or a device containing appropriate particles. These particles are called the chromatographic packing material, stationary phase or “adsorbent”. Solvent flows continuously through the column. At a point in time, an “injection” of the sample solution is made into the solvent stream, which then carries the sample through the column. As in Tswett’s experiment, the compounds in the sample can then be separated by traveling at different individual speeds through the device.

When the column or cartridge format is utilized, there are several ways to achieve flow. Gravity or vacuum can be used for columns that are not designed to handle pressure. Typically, the particles are larger in size (>50 microns) to allow flow to be generated more easily, as with open glass columns (Tswett’s experiment). In addition, plastic “columns”, typically in the shape of syringe barrels, can be filled with packing material particles and used to perform sample preparation. This is called “Solid Phase Extraction” (SPE). Here, the chromatographic device, called a “Cartridge”, is used usually with vacuum to clean up a very complex sample before it is analyzed further. (more info...SPE PRIMER & OASIS)

For improved separation power, smaller particle sizes (<10 microns) are required. These cause greater resistance to flow, resulting in higher pressures needed to create the solvent flow required. Columns and pumps which are designed to withstand high pressure are necessary. When moderate to high pressure is used to flow the solvent through the chromatographic column, this is called “HPLC”.

What is High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)?

The name “HPLC” originally referred to the fact that high pressure was needed to generate the flow required for liquid chromatography in packed columns. In the beginning, instrument components only had the capability of generating pressures of 500psi (35 bar). This was called High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The early 1970’s saw a tremendous leap in technology. These new “HPLC” instruments could develop up to 6,000psi (400 bar) of pressure, and included improved detectors and columns. HPLC really began to take hold in the mid to late 1970’s. With continued advances in performance, the name was changed to High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is now one of the most powerful tools in analytical chemistry, with the ability to separate, identify and quantitate the compounds that are present in any sample that can be dissolved in a liquid. Today, trace concentrations of compounds, as low as “parts per trillion” (ppt), are easily obtained. HPLC can be applied to just about any sample, such as pharmaceuticals, food, nutraceuticals, cosmetics, environmental matrices, forensic samples, and industrial chemicals.

What is Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC™Technology)?

Beginning in 2004, further advances in instrumentation and column technology were made to achieve very significant increases in Resolution, Speed and Sensitivity in Liquid Chromatography. Columns with smaller particle sizes (1.7 micron) and instrumentation designed to deliver 15,000psi (1,000 bar) along with specialized capabilities were needed to achieve a new level of performance. This new technology is called ULTRA PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY (UPLC™Technology). A glimpse at what may be the future has basic research being carried out today by scientists working with columns containing 1 micron particles, and instrumentation capable of performing at 100,000psi (6,800 bar).